Clubs And Societies
Clubs and Societies
Arts Society Grayshott meet on first Thursday of the month 2pm in Village Hall for excellent talks. Plus visits and tours. Visitors welcome. or 07434 673943
Babes and Toddlers. Fun for the under 3’s. Mondays from 10.00am in The Timothy room of St. Luke’s church hall. Come and join us.
Contact: 01428 606703.
Bridge Club We meet 1pm to 5pm each Friday at St. Luke’s Church Room. If you would like to know more please contact Club Chairman Roy Tubbs by phone or by email at:
01428 607848
Chess Group We are a small informal chess club meeting Tuesday afternoons at the Fox and Pelican, in Grayshott, from 2.00 to 5.00pm. Standards range quite widely. We welcome new members. Just turn up. The staff know where we hide!
Contact Edward Tobin at:
01428 605741
Gardeners meet on the second Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall. Doors open at 7.30. for 8.00pm start. Further information from our web site or by phone at either:
01428 604449
Grayshott Care Transport to hospital, Doctors / other medical appointments call us on 07498 068224 to book a driver. Monday- Friday 9am to 5pm
Grayshott & District Housing Association G&DHA was established over 80 years ago to provide affordable housing to rent for local people and owns forty properties.
Contact 07891 057631.
Grayshott Parish Council
01428 606510
Ludshott Photographic Club – Meet 1st and 3rd Monday of the month 7.30 for 8pm at Headley Village Hall. Beginners welcome, we are a friendly club. Please contact our Welcomer, Diana Grant by phone at:
01428 713706.
Also, look us up at:
PK Preschool We believe that playing is learning for living. A happy community based pre-school for children of 2 to 5 years. Play Leader: Carol Houghton
Tel: 01428 602970
St Luke’s Women’s Group 2.00 for 2.30 pm in Church Rooms on 3rd Tuesday of the month. A warm welcome to anyone in the community who wishes to join us.
Further details contact:
Helene 01428 605819
Mary 01428 609980
The Grayshott Stagers Your friendly local theatre group. Shows in February, May and November. Come and see us, become a member? Acting, singing, dancing, sound & lights, costume, sets & more.
Thursday Lunch St Luke’s Church Room. Morning coffee and social activities at 10.15 am or lunch at 12.00 pm. Freshly cooked main course, dessert and coffee/tea for £6. Contact: Angela Haine – 01428 604703 or Yvonne Lawrence 01428 608789Scout Group (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts For boys and girls from 6 to 14 years). Helping young people develop skills for life – self confidence, teamwork, resourcefulness, and pride in their community – by practical activities, adventure, and most of all fun. If you would like to help out with this organisation either as a leader or behind the scenes on the executive and join the fun as well. Contact: Chairman – 07802 710694 Group Scout Leader – 07941 294565 email: or visit
Tea Party – Grayshott meets in Grayshott Village Hall on the first Tuesday of the month at 2pm, to listen to a talk, meet friends and have afternoon tea. If you would like to join us, please contact Margaret 01428 604396 for more information, or just come along and try us. All welcome!
St Luke’s Church Office.
Headley Rd GU26 6LF.
01428 606703.
St Josephs Church
07971 523008.
Music and Sports
Grayshott Concerts. London Mozart Players are our orchestra in residence and Patron Sir Karl Jenkins. 6 concerts each year usually in St Luke’s Church.
Jazz Club. We meet in the Social Club in Hill Rd on the last Tuesday of the month. Binkie’s Dixie Demons is our resident band assisted by famous visiting artists.
Michael Deighan.
Folk Club. Visiting top performing bands each month in the Village Hall.
Des O Byrne on 01428 607096
Cricket Club (The Shotts) welcomes new members age from 5 years upwards also offering cricket for girls and women’s softball together with an ALL STARS centre for children aged 5 to 8 years of age. The club has great facilities at its grounds in Grayshott and Broxhead Common, Lindford. Four adult sides across the weekend, the club offers competitive and friendly cricket to meet your needs all local to Grayshott. Great coaching and competitive games for our 14 junior sides through from U8 to U19.
For more information visit our website at https// or contact Graham Sampson on 07826 523227 or email at
Croquet Club: We play at the Royal British Legion Club at Beacon Hill The season starts from mid April through to the end of September. New members are very welcome whatever your experience; equipment and coaching can be provided.
Contact Bob Wilson – 01428 713113
Crouet Club News Season start: mid-April and welcomes players from Lindford, Headley and Grayshott. Playing weekdays pm on the outfield of Grayshott cricket pitch. Beginners and experienced players; equipment / coaching provided.
Contact Bob Wilson – 01428 713113
Indoor Bowls Club at Grayshott Village Hall. October to March on Monday afternoons from 2.00pm. Membership enquiries to either:
Brian Spencer – 01428 605915
Daphne Milton – 01428 609877
Outdoor Bowls Club Situated behind the pavilion at Headley Playing Fields. New or experienced bowlers welcome. April to September.
Further information on or contact John Milton on 01428 609877
Tennis Club Beech Hanger Lane. welcome new members. We offer regular social tennis both midweek and weekends as well as tournaments and coaching. Email to find out more.
Youth Football Club 4-16 years welcome. Training sessions weekday evenings. Matches Saturday-Sunday mornings. We are particularly looking for players 4-8 for our development teams.
Contact Club Chair Karen Giles at or visit